
Engineering Software, Training and Support  Services


As a specialist in the field of piping and pressure vessel related analysis, SKIOS Engineering offers state-of-the-art software, support, training, knowledge transfer and problem solving services.   

SKIOS Engineering AB is a sales and business partner of SST Systems Inc (CAEPIPE3D+), USA, and Sigma Ing. mbH (ROHR2, SINETZ, and PROBAD) from Germany.  

How may we help you?


Product News -New version of SINETZ released

The new version 4.2 of SINETZ has been released.

Overview of news

 - There is now a filter option for the list functions
 - User-defined shortcuts can be defined
 - Extended editing options for text patterns and macros
 - Extended definition options for boundary conditions
 - New function for optimizing pipe measurements
 - Extended documentation options

Click on the button below to read a more in depth description of the new features.


Product News -New version CAEPIPE3D+ / CAEPIPE

The new version 13.10 of CAEPIPE3D+/CAEPIPE, has now been released!


Updates of several ASME piping codes and material libraries

The computation of Stress Intensification Factors (i-Factors) and Flexibility Factors (k-Factors) has been updated.

New feature is added to perform node-by-node Detailed Fatigue Evaluation. 


For further enhancement information, and installation information, click on the buttons below


Wishing you a joyous holiday season and a prosperous

New Year.

SKIOS sales and support organizations will be available all weekdays through the holiday season (21st of December to the 7th of January). 

If you're unable to reach us by phone, please contact us via email at the addresses below.

Our team continuously monitors these inboxes to ensure prompt responses:

Sales:      info@skios.se


Support:  support@skios.se

Other:      info@skios.se



Product News - New Release of  ROHR2 

The new version 34.1 of ROHR2 has been released.

Overview of New Features

  • User Interface Enhancements - Improved filter options for various list functions and updated dialog boxes for a more intuitive user experience.

  • Alternative Graphical Representation - New visualization options for different support types.

  • Support Load Management - Allowable loads on supports can now be imported directly from a database.

  • Gasket Data Management - Gasket data is stored locally within the model. Users can define custom gaskets, and custom flanges can be calculated if a PROBAD license for EN 1591 is available.

  • Collision Detection - A collision check feature has been added for the deformed model.

  • Plastic Pipe Stress Analysis - Stress analysis on plastic pipes is now available according to DVS 2210 standards.

Click on the button below to read a more in-depth description of the new features.


Product News - 

CAEPIPE 3D+ will replace CAEPIPE

On November 6, SST Systems announced that CAEPIPE has reached the end of its lifecycle. As a result, sales and leasing of CAEPIPE have been discontinued, and it has been replaced by its sister product, CAEPIPE3D+. CAEPIPE3D+ is a product suite in which CAEPIPE remains the main tool, so the change will not be very significant for current CAEPIPE users.

Current CAEPIPE customers with valid maintenance and support agreements will not be affected until their licenses are renewed. Over the coming year, all existing customers will receive information well before their renewal dates.

If you would like to learn more about CAEPIPE3D+, please click here for more details: (click here)

You can also find SST Systems’ statement from November 6, which provides background and explains the implications of these changes, here:  (click here)

Free Autumn Webinars


      SKIOS is pleased to announce a short series of free online webinars. You are
      invited to register your participation in the following exciting topics in October:

  • Monday 7th of October for ROHR2 users.
    Sometimes you want to compare analysis models before and after geometry changes. SKIOS will present a procedure to conduct this using ROHR2. Fatigue analysis due to pressure variations is the next topic this Monday. The program PROBAD is used during the presentation.

  • Friday 11th of October for CAEPIPE users.
    SKIOS is going to present a procedure to compare analysis models before and after geometry changes using CAEPIPE. Fatigue analysis due to pressure variations is the next topic this Friday. The program PROBAD is used during the presentation.

    The webinars will broadcast once in the morning at 10.00 and repeated in the afternoon at 14.00, local Swedish time. Kindly note, that there is a limit on the maximum number of attendees, so make sure to enlist now, “the early bird catches the worm”. 
    We look forward to meeting you at our webinars. Registration closed.



Product News - New version of  PROBAD is released

The new version 2024-1 of PROBAD has been released.

Overview of news 

  • The PROBAD module EN 13445 (2021) and ASME VIII/1 (2023) are now available in the new user interface.
  • The FEZEN material database has been revised and merged with ROHR2 database and is now using a new user interface. 
  • The FEZEN database has also added more material data and user-defined materials could now be added and modified.
  • PROBAD-modeler allows graphical modeling of Vessels, Boilers, and Components: Brackets, Skirts, Supporting-rings, Lifting-lugs, reinforcement rings, Flat heads, and Component branches/nozzles

  • The EN 1591 module has been updated with PrEN 2023, and several other  improvments  

Detailed information regarding revisions of EN and ASME can be found in the PDF-file below.



New version of CAEPIPE and CAEPIPE 3D+ released

The new version 12.20 of CAEPIPE and CAEPIPE 3D+, has now been released!

A new feature in Dynamic Analysis “Random Vibration Analysis” is introduced.
For details on its capability and limitations, refer to the section titled ‘Dynamic Analysis’ in the CAEPIPE Technical Reference Manual.

A new feature is added to Enable or Disable Dynamic Zoom and for translating and rotating the graphics in the Graphics Window, by using mouse buttons.

A new feature has been added for transforming Limit Stop loads from the Local Coordinate System (LCS) to the Global Coordinate System (GCS)



Free Winter Webinars

SKIOS will present a couple of new Webinars again this winter. These webinars have been highly appreciated in the past and we are convinced that you will like the ones coming up in a few weeks.

  • For our ROHR2 users, we will present the following two topics, configuration and import of PCF-files (Piping Component File) into the ROHR2 program and we will also investigate how to model a Pipe Intervention Gadget (PIG).
    The ROHR2 presentations will be held on the 12th of February

  • The CAEPIPE aficionados can also enjoy a presentation of the configuration and import of PCF files (Piping Component File) into CAEPIPE and we will also look into the detailed modeling of spring supports.
    The CAEPIPE presentations will be held on the 16th of February.

The webinars will be broadcast once in the morning at 10.00 and repeated in the afternoon at 14.00, local Swedish time. Kindly note, that there is a limit on the maximum number of attendees, so make sure to enlist now, “the early bird catches

the worm”.  We look forward to meeting you at our webinars. Registration closed.