Older news


Free Winter Webinars

SKIOS will present a couple of new Webinars again this winter. These webinars have been highly appreciated in the past and we are convinced that you will like the ones coming up in a few weeks.

  • For our ROHR2 users, we will present the following two topics, configuration and import of PCF-files (Piping Component File) into the ROHR2 program and we will also investigate how to model a Pipe Intervention Gadget (PIG).
    The ROHR2 presentations will be held on the 12th of February

  • The CAEPIPE aficionados can also enjoy a presentation of the configuration and import of PCF files (Piping Component File) into CAEPIPE and we will also look into the detailed modeling of spring supports.
    The CAEPIPE presentations will be held on the 16th of February.

The webinars will be broadcast once in the morning at 10.00 and repeated in the afternoon at 14.00, local Swedish time. Kindly note, that there is a limit on the maximum number of attendees, so make sure to enlist now, “the early bird catches

the worm”.  We look forward to meeting you at our webinars. Registration closed.

Product News -New version of CAEPIPE released

The new version 12.10 of CAEPIPE, has now been released!


New piping codes RCC-M (2018, 2020, and 2022), Design and Construction Rules for Mechanical Components of PWR Nuclear Islands were added

Updates of EN and ASME piping codes and material libraries

New minor features and enhancements of graphical handling were also added.

For further enhancement information and installation information, click on the buttons below



Wishing you a joyous holiday season and a prosperous New Year.

SKIOS sales and support organizations will be available all weekdays through the holiday season (22nd of December to the 7th of January). 

If you can't reach us via phone, please use email as below, we monitor these incoming mail folders continuously:

Sales:      info@skios.se


Support:  support@skios.se

Other:      info@skios.se


ROHR2 User meeting - 18th of October 2023

Join industry experts and professionals for informative presentations, discussions, and networking opportunities. Some of us were already getting ready to meet in May 2020, but a small virus put a stop to the event so many of you were looking forward to. Now, 3½ years later, SKIOS is happy to invite you to a day of exciting topics in the field of piping and pressure vessel-related analysis.

When:     Wednesday, 18th of October between 09:00-17:00

Venue:     Steam Hotel in Västerås (Website: https://www.steamhotel.se/)
Adress:    Ångkraftsvägen 14, 721 31 Västerås, Sweden
Cost:       The User meeting is free of charge, but there will be a no-show fee if not
               attending after registration, read more below.

 Registration closed

Please observe:

As stated before, there is a limited number of seats, “the early bird catches the worm”.
Due to the conditions of Steam Hotel, we will have to charge a
“no-show fee”
(100 € /1.000 SEK) if you do not show up at the seminar after registration.

You may cancel your registration until 5 days before (13th of October).



Product News -New version of CAEPIPE released

The new version 12.00 of CAEPIPE, has now been released!


New piping codes were added for GRP and Plastic piping. 

Updates of EN and ASME piping codes and material libraries

New feature, number of Seismic g-Loads is increased to 3 and the possibility to add external forces to increase number of load cases. 


New features for GUI enhancements and more


For further enhancement information and installation information, click on the buttons below


Product News - New version of  ROHR2 is released

The new version 34.0 of ROHR2 has been released.

Overview of news 

  • New calculation rule ASME NM.1 for plastic pipes
  • New component "Pipe coupling" (e.g. Victaulic coupling)

  • Specification of an eccentric mass (e.g. drive) on valves

  • Specification of movement limits for axial expansion joints is now possible

  • New boundary condition "Hot-Tapping" to automatically generate the deformation breaks for a connection to a "Hotline"

  • Users can now define Hot-keys in ROHR2

  • Bi-directional data exchange between ROHR2 and PROBAD 

  • ROHR2fesu (FEM Module): new components and new mesher introduced

  • Update of the implemented piping codes (ASME, Eurocode...)

Click on the button below to read a more in-depth description of the new features.



How to model and set up pipe supports and hangers

You don´t have to struggle with how to set up a hanger or pipe support efficiently in your pipe stress analysis program of choice anymore. 

Skios has published a couple of instructions on how to do this. Please feel free to download and use these. The instructions are available in our support section of this webpage.

For instructions in ROHR2, please click here!

For instructions in CAEPIPE, please click here!




Product News - New version of  PROBAD is released

The new version 2023-1 of PROBAD has been released.

Overview of news 

  • A 'PROBAD-Modeler' is now available. This new PROBAD component allowes the graphical modelling of vessels or boilers 

  • The PROBAD module EN 12952-3 (2022) is now available in the new user interface

  • The calculation of standard flange connections according to EN1591 (2013) / prEN 1591-1 (2021)  can now be done in the new user interface.

  • PROBAD EN 13445 was upgraded, e.g component 'vertical vessels with
    ring supports' according to EN 13445-3, chapter 16.13.

  • In  PROBAD 'DIN/EN Piping series' and 'ASME Piping series' a short documentation of results is available, the piping calculation are displayed on the basis of DIN 21057.

  • The FEZEN Info system has been revised entirely.

Detailed information of the modifications of EN and ASME can be found in PDF-files below.


Wishing you a joyous holiday season and a prosperous New Year.

SKIOS sales and support organizations will be available all weekdays through the holiday season. 

If you can't reach us via phone, please use email as below, we monitor these incoming mail folders continuously:

Sales:      info@skios.se


Support:  support@skios.se

Other:      info@skios.se




Product News -New version of CAEPIPE released

The new version 11.00 of CAEPIPE, has now been released!


Updates of EN and ASME piping codes and material libraries

New feature is added to Import AFT Impulse Time function data into CAEPIPE Time functions


New features for GUI enhancements and more


For further enhancement information and installation information, click on the buttons below



Free Autumn Webinars

Due to the great interest in the previous webinars provided by us at SKIOS, we are pleased to announce a new short series of free online webinars. You are invited to register your participation in the following exciting topics starting in October:

  • If you are analyzing Glass Fibre Reinforced Plastic (GRP) Pipes, this event would be of great interest. Model setup and stress evaluation of GRP piping according to ISO 14692 is going to be presented during this webinar. 10th of Oct.

  • CAEPIPE is a program that in our experience has a lot of useful features rarely used and not known to a lot of users. During this webinar, a number of features and nice-to-know commands will be revealed, make sure to enlist if you are using CAEPIPE!  14th of Oct.

The webinars will be broadcasted once in the morning at 10.00 and repeated in the afternoon at 14.00, local Swedish time. Kindly note, that there is a limit on the maximum number of attendees, so make sure to enlist now, “the early bird catches the worm”. 
We look forward to meeting you at our webinars. Registration closed.


Free Summer Webinars

SKIOS will present a couple of new Webinars again before the summer holidays. These webinars have been highly appreciated in the past and we are convinced that you will like the ones coming up in a few weeks.

First out, Friday, June the 3rd, is a presentation of how to model and implement a flexible coupling in CAEPIPE. Flexible couplings of Victaulic style are popular to use for applications when for example, a quick deployment of a piping system is needed. During the webinar you will learn about the pitfalls and get hints on how to model and use these kinds of couplings with ease.

The second webinar will take place on Tuesday, the 7th of June. This webinar has two parts. The first part is providing insight into some features in Rohr2, such as the generation of images for reports. Furthermore, how to handle text groups and views and how to include them in the report.

In the second part of this webinar we will spend time regarding data transfer between Excel and Rohr2, we will show how to import geometry via Excel into ROHR2. Registration closed 


Winter Webinars 2022 

SKIOS will present a couple of new Webinars again this winter. These webinars have been highly appreciated in the past and we are convinced that you will like the ones coming up in a few weeks. 

First out is a presentation of how to handle secondary steel in Rohr2. The calculated stresses in a secondary steel structure (beam structures) can be evaluated either according to EN13480, chapter 13, or Eurocode 3. In this webinar, we will present how the stress evaluation is made according to EN 13480 chapter 13. This presentation will be given twice, the first session at 10.00 in the morning and the second at 14.00 in the afternoon on Monday the 14th of March.
The second webinar will take place on Friday the 18th of March at 10.00 in the morning and will be conducted by Mr. P. B. Karthick, Chief Engineer at SST Systems. The topic this time will be an introduction to the flagship product CAEPIPE 3D+ from SST Systems Inc. 
Unfortunately, we have a limit on the number of attendees we can host, so make sure to enlist now, “the early bird catches the worm”. You may register here: Registration closed


Product News -New version of CAEPIPE released

The new version 10.51 of CAEPIPE, has now been released!


  • Bug Correction: For Piping code = EN 13480-3 (2020)..
  • Bug Correction: Deflected shape of Bend, Mitre Bend, and Jacket Bend..
  • Bug Correction: Access violation while exporting the Jacketed Piping stress..

For more information click on the buttons below.  


Product News -New version of CAEPIPE released

The new version 10.50 of CAEPIPE, has now been released!


Updates to latest editions of EN and ASME piping codes and material libraries.

Improved Multi-Level Response Spectrum Analysis.

CAEPIPE can now analyze systems on different levels with multiple excitations.

Seismic Displacements at Anchors and Nozzles can be input for all Piping Codes.

And much more, for further enhancement information and installation information,
click on the buttons below



Wishing you a joyous holiday season and a prosperous New Year.

SKIOS sales and support organizations will be available all weekdays through the holiday season, with exceptions of 24th and 31st of December and 6th and 7th of January

If you can't reach us via phone, please use email as below:

Sales:      info@skios.se


Support:  support@skios.se

Other:      info@skios.se


Free Autumn Webinars 


Due to the great interest in the previous webinars provided by us at SKIOS, we are pleased to announce a new short series of free online webinars. You are invited to register your participation in the following interesting topics starting in October:


  • Need to analyze and design piping components not covered by any code? Then you will have the opportunity to learn a little bit more about the capabilities of ROHR2fesu to perform FE-analysis of such components in combination with pipe stress calculations.


  • When involved in pipe stress calculations, you probably have come across the EN13480 code a lot of times. SKIOS will dive into and present some of the recent changes in this code. 


  • Before the summer, SKIOS presented some of the dynamic capabilities in CAEPIPE. This time the presentation will look into some of the extensive dynamic capabilities of ROHR2.

The webinars will be broadcast once in the morning at 10.00 and repeated in the afternoon at 14.00. Unfortunately, there is a limit on the number of attendees, so make sure to enlist now, “the early bird catches the worm”. We are looking forward to meeting you at our webinars, please register: Registration closed

Product News -New version of CAEPIPE released

The new version 10.40 of CAEPIPE, has now been released!


Updates to latest editions of EN and ASME piping codes and material libraries.

Improved Modal analysis algorithm for Eigenvalue (frequency) extraction.

CAEPIPE can now extract much higher modes (Eigenvectors).


Further improved features for Wind loads are introduced


New features for model handling in the graphic window,

Ctrl+Mouse commands can now be used.


For further enhancement information and installation information,

click on the buttons below.




Free summer Webinars

To continue the successful and appreciated Webinars from this winter, we will dive into a couple of other topics before the summer holidays. We invite you to a couple of short Online Webinars. 

First out is a presentation of the news in the brand-new version 33.1 of  Rohr2. In this webinar, we will present some of the more interesting features and updates. Since we anticipate a lot of interest, this webinar will be broadcasted on several occasions.

In the other webinar, we will present an overview of the dynamic capabilities in CAEPIPE.

The webinars will be broadcasted once in the morning, 10.00, and repeated in the afternoon, 14.00. Unfortunately, we have a limit on the number of attendees we can host, so make sure to enlist now, “early bird catches the worm”. You may register here: Registration closed

Product News - New version of  ROHR2 is released

The new version 33.1 of ROHR2 has been released.

Overview of news 

  • The Introduction of “single-use expansion bellow“ for distributed heating systems was introduced.

  • ROHR2 includes new versions/revisions of stress codes and databases.
  • Further improvement of listing and editing functions.
  • Automatic tagging of extreme values in the graphical display.
  • New control functions for the generation of standard views were implemented. This allows the organization of standard views.
  • Copy and Paste of system parts with substructures, now working across the systems' different models.
  • The different movements between the jacket pipe and the inner pipe are now included in the list functions.

Click on the button below to read a more in-depth description of the new features.



Training News - CAEPIPE Dynamics 

SKIOS is happy to announce the release of another new dynamic training course. This time it is developed for CAEPIPE users.  The training has already made it into our list of standard scheduled courses. You can enroll or register yourself by following the links on our training agenda.  

This course gives you training in the dynamic analysis capabilities for piping systems inside CAEPIPE, such as calculation of eigenfrequency, dynamic susceptibility, spectrum (earthquake), harmonic, and transient (time history) analysis.

To find more information please click



Training News - ROHR2 Dynamics 

SKIOS is happy to announce the release of a new training course, the use of dynamic analysis in ROHR2. The training course is available in the list of courses in the training agenda, here.

This course gives you training in some of the dynamic analysis capabilities for piping systems, such as calculation of eigenfrequencies, harmonic excitation, earthquake analysis, water hammer, and general transient (time history) analysis.

To find more information please click

Product News -New version of SINETZ released

The new version 4.1 of SINETZ has been released.

Overview of news 
- Extension of input options for pumps
- New components 3-way/4-way valve
- The tooltip window can be customized individually
- An isometric grid can be selected for 2D models
- The select function has been extended- In 2D models, "bridges" are displayed at points

   where two segments cross but are not connected
- Difference results of any two nodes can be displayed
- SINETZ 4.1 also supports Software license keys (SL License) without a USB key

Click on the button below to read a more in depth description of the new features.

Free Winter Webinars



To continue the successful and appreciated Autumn Webinars from last year, we will dive into a couple of other topics later this winter. We invite you to a couple of short Online Webinars where we present these topics.


First out is a presentation of how to handle load cases in Rohr2. Rohr2 offers a large variety of Load cases. In this webinar, we will present the most common and some more unusual ones.

In the following presentation, we will present the Isometric drawing module in Rohr2. This module offers isometric drawing functionality. It enables the user to create scaled and not-scaled pipe isometrics, add dimensions, welding nodes, and additional parameters like height data or user-defined texts and graphics.


The webinars will be broadcasted once in the morning, 10.00, and repeated in the afternoon, 14.00. Unfortunately, we have a limit on the number of attendees we can host, so make sure to enlist now, “early bird catches the worm”. You may register here: Registration closed

Training News - Online courses

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, SKIOS offers training courses online in addition to our renowned "eye to eye" personal interaction courses. 

SKIOS has during this autumn and winter already finalized several online events with good results. SO, don´t miss the possibility to register for an online course now! 
During the registration, you will be asked for your preference, online or "eye to eye" training. The pricing and agendas remain unchanged, read more


It's finally time to celebrate the holidays together .... or not ?

SKIOS sales and support organizations will be available all weekdays through the holiday season, with exceptions of 24th, 25th, and 31st of December and 1st, 6th, and 7th of January

If you can't reach us via phone, please use email as below:

Sales:      info@skios.se


Support:  support@skios.se

Other:      info@skios.se


Product News -New version of CAEPIPE released

The new version 10.30 of CAEPIPE, has now been released!


Updates of EN and ASME piping codes and material libraries

New features for Wind loads are presented


New features: New features for GUI enhancements and more


For further enhancement information and installation information, click on the buttons below


Autumn Webinars


Not all of you are familiar with the efficient tools and add-on modules from SST systems and Sigma. To remedy this lack of information, we invite you to a series of short Online Webinars where we present these modules.

First out is Rohr2fesu, a powerful Finite Element module totally integrated into ROHR2, efficiently assisting you in the analysis of components not covered by any piping code.
Next in line of presentations is the thermo-hydraulic analysis product SINETZ.

SINETZ allows you to perform a steady-state calculation of flow distribution, pressure drop, and heat loss in complex piping networks for both compressible and incompressible media. If available, 3D ROHR2 models may easily be transferred into SINETZ.
For those of you that are using CAEPIPE, please join us at the end of November. CAEPIPE has some small and useful extra tools that can be very handy. If this sounds interesting do not miss this webinar. 
Last, in line this time in our series of presentations is Rohr2flange. This module enables you to perform detailed analysis according to different codes including, but not limited to, tightening moments of bolts.

The webinars will be broadcasted once in the morning and repeated in the afternoon.

Unfortunately, we have a limit on the number of attendees we can host, so be sure to enlist now, “the early bird catches the worm”. You may register here:Registration closed

Training News - Online courses

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, SKIOS has now taken the decision to offer training courses online in addition to our renowned "eye to eye" personal interaction courses. 

Our staff has during this spring and summer put a lot of effort into adapting the training material into a format and a setup suitable for efficient online courses. 

Don´t miss the possibility to register for an online course now! 
During the registration, you will be asked for your preference, online or "eye to eye" training. The pricing and agendas remain unchanged, read more

The new version 10.20 of CAEPIPE, has now been released!


Updates of several ASME piping codes and material libraries

New load cases are introduced


New features: New copy and paste possibilities, detection, and removal of BLANK spaces and much more.


For further enhancement information, and installation information, click on the buttons below


Product News -New version of CAEPIPE and CAEPIPE3D+

Information regarding COVID-19 restrictions

Restrictions regarding the COVID-19 are still in force, in other words, "it ain't over yet"!
Unless forced by events out of our control, SKIOS Engineering AB is providing uninterrupted support service as usual during this challenging period. 

Since we in most cases are offering digital products, we are not significantly affected by the current epidemic situation. Our staff is continuing to work as usual and still in a position to provide the by our customer appreciated high level of service and support. If necessary, our team also has the capacity to operate remotely.
You may reach us either by phone or email. Our customer support working hours remain unchanged: 9.00 AM - 4.00 PM CET (Monday - Friday). 

Link to The Public Health Agency of Sweden



Training News - two new courses

We are happy to announce that we have released two new training courses. The courses have not made it into our standard training agenda yet, but please contact us and we will be happy to find a way for you to take part in these trainings.  

The first course is a training in use of ROHR2fesu, an add-on FEM module to ROHR2 for the analysis of piping components not covered by any code, read more here. 

The second course is aimed towards you, interested in the use of SINETZ, an efficient tool for the calculation of pressure drop and heat loss in intermeshed piping networks, read more here.  

Product news - ROHR2 R 33.0

The new version of ROHR2, improving its renowned efficiency even more,
has now been released!

· ROHR2 now has a new 3D graphical presentation mode (OpenGL display) for models 
  and results

· The graphical user interface has been revised. Dialogues have been unified and similar
  functions in the toolbars have been combined in a meaningful way

· With the help of a new list function, inputs and results can now be centrally
  listed, documented, and, where appropriate, adapted

·  Additional post-processing tasks make it possible to automate
   documentation and checking of the results

·  The sets of rules and database in ROHR2 have been updated and extended

   For further information, click on the button below.



Product news - CAEPIPE 3D+

Since the release of CAEPIPE 10.00, there is a new product "bundle" available from SST Systems Inc, CAEPIPE 3D+.

CAEPIPE 3D+has the capability to seamlessly integrate 3D design and analysis of piping systems. CAEPIPE 3D+ helps piping designers and stress engineers to arrive at substantially better piping layouts, that meet stress requirements, thereby saving time and costs associated with design, materials, construction, operation, and maintenance

Our training agenda is updated

We offer a variety of training courses during this spring and summer.

Training at SKIOS goes far beyond simple "button pushing". Applied analysis experience is interwoven into our training courses by our experienced instructors to ensure valuable and useful knowledge is transferred to the course participants.

Do not hesitate to register yourself and also share this information with a colleague who may require some additional knowledge.



We are now at your service!

Skios has started its operation as of 2nd of January 2020
The office is located in Västerås Science Park

Visit us and we could have a chat and a cup of coffee.

Trefasgatan 1,  721 30, Västerås, Sweden
